
Dear Mother Earth,

Your day was officially celebrated today because my cute 5 year old enforced it. This morning Ty informed me that today, Earth Day, we could not drive our car, and that by doing so would help your fever go down. His other requirement was to plant a tree or flower. (I'm rather impressed with his preschool teacher.) Here's what we came up with in honor of you.

A bus ride to downtown Bloomington. We finally got to meet all of Matthias' bus mates. The bus crowd ought to get props for something; helping cool you down and all.

Wonderlab's Earth Day Celebration. The kids got to plant their own cup of grass seeds. Nuts, we left ours on the window sill there.

A walk on the new, but not quite open B-line Trail. Grand Opening on May 29th.

A snack run at the locally grown/organic/wholefoods co-op, Bloomingfoods.

Our usual weekly visit to the public library.

And finally, play time at the neighborhood park. This picture wasn't taken today, but is one of my fav's.

Mother Earth, we love you.


Keri said...

Such cute kids! Way to go on earth day!

Jodee said...

very nice, good job celebrating our beautiful earth!

Brad and Marci said...

I guess we unofficially celebrated it too. I didn't drive anywhere because it is too far to drive just anywhere. I didn't use much electricity because we don't have a couch to sit and lounge while we watch tv so we played outside and thus no lights were used. And I went up to my parents lot and scoped out my new garden spot and came up with the veggies I am going to plant. I guess you could tell Ty that we were here working along side him. We are excited to see you guys soon and tell Matthias good luck on his finals and make sure you guys celebrate this great time!

Que Onda Clines said...

Nice job! Ty is such a smartie. Oh and is Beckham wearing a cape? Love it! Good job making it a special day for them!

ads said...

What fun ways to celebrate Mother Earth. It's great that you are teaching your guys to appreciate the world around them. Way to go Ecomom!

Papa said...

To complete your Earth day celebration, Ty and Beckham need to grab Cole and come fishing and looking for cougars with Papa! Give my love to all!

Jedda said...

cute cute! What a great celebration. I love having an excuse for a party :)

Lenzi Woodbury said...

Way to celebrate!! I'm really proud of that pre-school teacher for enforcing the rules. Hopefully it helped your fever go down :) LOL!!

**And did I catch Beck's wearing an awesome cape for 1/2 the day??? LOVE IT!

Sus said...

well done, you. love the bus ride reducing fevers. :)

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