
summer steps

Matthias gave the boys summer hair cuts, World Cup style. Soccer players are known for their extreme hairstyles. Ty wanted a mo-hawk but Matthias doesn't allow mo-hawks apparently. I wanted to grow out Beeks hair again, but he says he just wants it short. Boooo. Side steps are pretty sweet though. We try to tell Bex that they make him run faster. He says he already runs fast.


Brad and Marci said...

funny about the side steps, just the other day brad was telling me that they are making a come back. even if the style is not coming strong around yet it sure will now because ty and bex sure do make it look cool. rock on ty and bex!

ads said...

Cute boys with steps and cute flower pots too . . . I couldn't help but notice.

Anonymous said...

We love steps haha so cute! Glad you didn't do the Bull cut.. sad beckham doesn't like his hair long :( that is our favorite too!

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