
last year in my 20's

29. This is the year. The last year I have to claim youth. Thirty is middle-aged. It is not young. Well, it depends on whose view you look from, but rarely does one refer to a thirty-something as being young. While I believe you are as youthful as you want to be at any time in life,  I will never be in my twenties again. And so for my last year of being a 20-something, I would like to go out with style. To achieve something awesome and to look better than I normally do.  For my last youthful year,  I promise to laugh more, smile more, play with my kids more, work harder to stay fit and eat healthier, and to continue spontaneity. I am training for a half marathon, will run it in September. Also, I am playing on a co-ed soccer team with Matthias, that's gotta keep me young. 

Me, happy on my 29th Birthday. My gift this year, an ipad. Thank you all. I love it.

Ty made me breakfast with a little note attached: for mom. What a sweetheart.


Nana said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful daughter - inside and out. I like your goals, by the way.

Chris said...

lucky!! i can't wait till i get those little sweet notes and food :) happy birthday!

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